Years ago, we had a neighbor who was involved in the political process. She asked us if we would place yard signs on our lawn in support of some candidates she believed in. We liked this neighbor (still do) and figured what could it hurt, so we pushed the wire frames into the ground and pulled the plastic sign over the frame like a pillow case. We came home one windy day and found only metal frames on our lawn. We figured that the wind had blown away the signs. Not exactly. Our political neighbor informed us that people from the opposing political party actually go around and steal the signs. I was shocked.
The next election, I once again placed yard signs in our yard. Once again they all disappeared. This time I fought back. They took 4 signs, I replaced them with 12. My entire front lawn was covered. There was no doubt who I was supporting when the trick or treaters came by before the election. Some of the kids actually made brainwashed comments trying to please mom and dad. Go! No candy for you!
A guy down the street was running for a local office position. My neighbor saw him stop his car, walk across a field, and take down all of my signs that I had lined up facing a road on a greenbelt behind my house. I remember being at work at the time and being so upset that I called a radio station and told them all about it. The guy carefully placed all my signs on the ground within my yard and drove home down the street into his garage. Needless to say, he lost his bid to be elected.
In a democracy where we have the freedom to vote for individuals to represent us in our government, why do people have to lie, cheat, and steal to try and so call win elections. There are rampant claims of voter fraud already in this upcoming election. Candidates pre-checked on voting ballots, military personnel denied the right to cast votes for the very people they are serving to protect, intimidation, faulty electronic voter counting programs, and entire organizations created for the sole purpose of getting out votes of people that are dead or alive.
All of this going on in America. Have we as a society stooped so low that the very people that are supposed to decide the election by their vote cannot be trusted to vote the right way? This corruption must be stopped.
My yard signs have been up since May. That's right, May. Not a thief in sight. We do have a few days left until the election though and that is when these lunatics usually strike. The next thing you know, these people will be stealing American flags from people. It is all madness, utter madness, and thankfully it will end for this election cycle on Tuesday. Until then, I will stand my post and do whatever is necessary to guard my freedoms and liberties from the enemy. God Bless America.
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