Monday, June 27, 2011

On the trail - July 3, 2011

Suggested Title: Only Cats have Nine Lives

A long time ago, in a land far, far away, back before hiking boots were invented, there was a place called Starved Rock. Legend has it that Starved Rock got its name from an old Indian battle where one tribe took refuge on an outcropping high above their enemy. While they were now safe from attack, their enemy patiently waited for them to run out of food and they died from starvation.

What does this have to do with hiking? Well, Starved Rock is also the site of a near tragedy early in my hiking career. It is a funny story though…

Starved Rock is a state park in northeastern Illinois where sandstone bluffs tower over the Illinois River. It was the month of May and the world of brown had begun to burst forth with flowering trees and deciduous deliciousness. My friends and I were young and ready for adventure. It was to be a weekend camping trip to Starved Rock with miles of trails to explore. But after hiking up and down the ravines, we were soon tired of the monotony of the composted forest. Where was all the cool stuff?

Then we came upon a sandstone outcropping that looked like it led up to another world. I volunteered to climb up it first. As I made my way up, I reduced the natural feature to a slippery mud slide. I made it up, but no one else could follow now. We were separated. I was now on a new path above them.

After awhile, we both heard it, something rushing, a waterfall! I was above them now by maybe 50 feet. They were checking out the cool waterfall and I was stranded high above them.

Come on in, the waters fine they yelled. Jump they yelled. Are you crazy?

Dilemma. Do I go back the way I came or figure out a quicker way to get down there? Did impatience trump common sense? Yup.

So I got a crazy idea. All I had to do was use tree roots like ropes and lower myself down. So I started out down the debris laden cliff side and soon my roots ran out. I was left hanging about 30 feet from the water down below. My friends were all encouraging me to jump? Are you crazy?

Suddenly, the decision was made for me as the entire ledge I was clinging to gave way. I was in a bad way, falling, or as Charlie Sheen would say, “winning”. I somehow pushed off the hillside. I missed the rock ledges sticking out on the way down. And I cupped my body like a ragdoll as I crashed into the 3 feet of water below.

Then, I stood up, with just a fat lip from screaming as I impacted the water, and my friends were rolling on the ground laughing at what they had just witnessed. All I could think of at the time was, bummer, my hiking boots are soaked!

Looking back on this experience, maybe I thought I was invincible being in my teens or maybe I just hadn’t lived long enough to fear all that could have happened. We all know only a cat has nine lives, so you better think twice before doing something stupid on the trail that could end a lot worse than a fat lip and wet feet.

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